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Swiss, Ingris. hari rabu lalu, Dewan Inggris telah memutuskan memberikan suaranya untuk mendukung pasangan LGBT mengadopsi anak

Dewan telah menetapkan bahwa setiap orang berhak mengadopsi anak, terlepas dari pilihan hidup dan latar belakang. Apabila orang-orang yang ingin mengadopsi anak telah memenuhi persyaratan, maka tidak ada alasan untuk menolak permohnan adopsi yang telah diajukan. GGG sebuah website gay di Ingris.

Urs Schwaller dari Partai Kristen Demokrat mengatakan bahwa, ia meragukan bahwa orang LGBT bisa menjalankan adopsi anak seperti heteroseksual, dan menerurutnya LGBT tidak perlu diberikan hak adopsi. Website GGG

Politisi konservatif menyatakan bahwa hak-hak kemitraan terdaftar menjadi semakin selaras dengan perkawinan tradisional, secara bertahap akan mengikis status pernikahan.

Schwaller mengatakan “ini bukanlah yang di inginkan oleh orang Swiss’.

Usaha yang dilakukan oleh DPR swiss merupakan langkah yang patut diapresiasi, dan bila perlu Indonesia juga turut mengadopsi kebijakan seperti ini, namun tetap saja peraturan yang dibuat sangat hetero centris, perspektif hetero normatif mendominasi dalam peraturan ini. Misalkan seorang yang mau mengadopsi anak harus memiliki catatan kemitraan sipil sebagai pasangan.

Sumber berita : 

Switzerland’s upper house of parliament, the Council of States, decided on Wednesday by 21 votes to 19 to give same-sex couples the right to adopt children.

The Council determined that anyone should be able to adopt a child, regardless of their choice of lifestyle, so long as such adoption would be in the best interests of the child, Swiss news agency SDA reported.

In addition, although the type of marriage would not be a determining factor, applicants seeking to adopt must be in some form of registered partnership.

Those in favour of the change in regulations have pointed to the changing face of family dynamics, and the reality that many children do not grow up in what would be considered “traditional” family constellations.

Urs Schwaller of the Christian Democratic Party said that, while he did not doubt that gay and lesbian people could take of children as well as heterosexuals, there was in his view no need to give them rights to adopt, gay information website reported.

Conservative politicians are concerned that the rights of registered partnerships are becoming increasingly aligned to those of traditional marriages, gradually eroding the status of marriage. Schwaller maintained that this is not what the Swiss people want, the website reported.

The lower house, the National Council, must now consider the motion before it can pass into law.

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