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Sebuah laporan tentang kebencian terhada LGBT baru-baru ini dipublikasikan oleh The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), yaitu sebuah orgaisasi nirlaba yang bekerja untuk memerangi kebencian dan kefanatikan, terhadap  masyarakat yang paling rentan.

Dalam laporan yang dipublikasikan rabu lalu, SPLC menyatakan jumlah kebencian terhadap LGBT di Amerika mengalami  kenaikan sebanyak 60%.

Menurut Mark Patok  dari  Southern Poverty Law Center, mengatakan pada New York Times,  Selama hampir 30 tahun angka kebencian terhadap LGBT terlihat stabil, namun sejak tahun 2000 angka kebencian makin meningkat.  Kenaikan angka tersebut dikarenakan kian gencarnya kampanye hak-hak LGBT di ruang publik, kampanye  pencabutan “don’t ask don’t tell”, sebuah kampanye yang menunutut kesetaraan, juga gencarnya kampanye kesetaraan pernikahan di beberapa Negara bagian di Amerika memicu peningkatan kebencian terhadap LGBT.

Dalam laporanya Patok juga mengatakan kaum fundamentalis  adalah penyumbang kemarahan terbesar,  dalam menghentikan kelompok LGBT menuntut hak-haknya sebagai warga Negara.

Sumber : www.advocate.comThe number of hate groups in the U.S. has grown for the 12th consecutive year, according to a report published Wednesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Specifically, SPLC reports a 60% increase in the number of antigay hate groups, from 17 in 2010 to 27 last year. “They represent both a kind of right-wing populist rage and a left-wing populist rage that has gotten all mixed up in anger toward the government,” Mark Potok, a senior fellow with the Southern Poverty Law Center and author of the report, told the New York Times.

SPLC has been tracking the growth of hate groups for 30 years, and has documented a steady growth of such organizations since 2000, when 602 were identified. The legal advocacy group attributes the growth of antigay groups to the advances in LGBT rights, including the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” and a growing push for marriage equality nationwide.

“It was precisely these advances that seemed to set off a furious rage on the religious right, with renewed efforts to ban or repeal marriage equality and what seemed to be an intensification of anti-gay propaganda in certain quarters,” Potok wrote in the report.

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