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Balasan Surat Hartoyo Dari Hakim Konstitusi: Arief Hidayat

Arief Hidayat – Akhirnya surat saya yang ini  dapat balasan dari Pak Arief melalui email pada Rabu, 13/3/2013. Balasan surat ini 29 menit setelah David Mills mengirimkan email kepada Arief Hidayat.  David Mills adalah seorang hakim gay di Boston-USA yang sebelumnya telah membaca surat saya dan mengirimkan email dukungan pada saya.  Ini email David yang dikirimkan kepada Pak Arief Hidayat yang di cc kan kepada saya:

My name is David Mills. I recently retired is the only visible gay appellate judge in Massachusetts. In Massachusetts we have about 450 judges. It is a very fine judicial system although, probably like your own, overworked and underpaid. There will never be enough resource, I am afraid to say.

I recently read the letter that was sent to you by a man in Indonesia. I was quite moved by his letter, and hope that you were able to consider his letter, and to respond.

In a separate email I am going to send to you an opinion piece that was published in a local newspaper about eight months ago. I wrote it to tell some of my story on how I came to be a judge, and what I lived through growing up gay United States.
It was not easy, to say the least. Things are improving for lesbian and gay people here. It is not all perfect. In cities like Boston and New York, it is safe and very good for some of us. In many parts of the country, tragically, we still have violence against lesbian and gay people. That is changing. The judges and the lawyers in United States have made an enormous difference. It is taken courage and commitment, but it

DeAlessi is working.
I would love to hear back from you. I send you every good wish.

David Mills
Boston, Massachusetts

Sedangkan berikut balasan “pendek” dari pak Arief Hidayat kepada saya melalui email ;

Mas Hartoyo yang saya mulya kan…sungguh sangat tersentuh hati saya membaca surat nya..mohon maaf klo pendapat saya berbeda n menyinggung hati mas Hartoyo n komunitasnya…utk itu saya mohon maaf n mohon ampun kpd Allah SWT…perlu saya jelaskan bahwa uu perkawinan di indonesia itu hrs berdasar pembentukannya pd konstitusi n dasar negara yaitu Pancasila…jd uu itu tdk bs melegalkan n mengesahkan maaf perkawinan sejenis krn bertentangan dng core value Pancasila..terlepas dr itu mas Har n komunitas nya di Indonesia sbg WNI tetap hrs dilindungi oleh negara dr kekerasan n perlakuan2 kasar lainnya…mas Har hrs di dekati n disadarkan secara boleh mendpt perlakuan spt yg terjadi selama ini..maaf krn tertulis mungkin singkat saja.


Arief hidayat
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