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Kampala, Uganda. Sebuah lokakarya yang diadakan oleh East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP), *sebuah organisasi yang memberikan pelatihan kepada pembela hak asasi manusia dari resiko penganiayaan*.  Telah dibuburkan oleh pihak kepolisian setempat. lokakarya tersebut dihadiri oleh Lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transgender(lgbt) yang berasal dari Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya serta Uganda.

Pembubaran paksa tersebut terjadi pada  jam 14.30 waktu setempat. Serombongan polisi  berseragam turun dari mobil mengelilingi tempat lokarya berlangsung, dan kemudian melakukan penyegelan serta melakukan penjagaan ketat di depan hotel.

Mendengar bahwa serombongan polisi telah mengepung hotel maka, panita lokakarya meminta para peserta untuk kembali kekamar masing-masing.

Sementara itu, polisi masuk ke meja penerima tamu front offeice hotel ,  memaksa meminta daftar tamu yang menginap pada pegawai hotel,  karena mendapatkan intimidasi pegawai hotel menyerahkan daftar tamu, kemudian polisi  melakukan pemeriksaan kekamar demi kamar dan mengumpulkan para tamu yang diduga sebagai peserta lokakarya

Dua orang staf EHAHRDP, serta tiga peserta lokakarya, ditahan di sebuah bis polisi selama sekitar satu jam. Salah satu peserta Jane Wothaya menceritakan bahwa ketika ia berjalan menuju ruangan lokakarya  bersama seorang rekanya , datanglah tiga perwira polisi berlari mengejar saya. “Saya merasa terintimidasi …dan tidak diberitahu mengapa saya ditangkap.

Sekitar pukul 17.00. Tiga panitia pelaksana workshop  berhasil melakukan mediasi dengan pihak polisi hingga kemudian dicapai kesepakatan bahwa kegiatan lokakarya dihentikan.  Dan pihak panita diminta untuk mempresentasikan dokumen resmi tentang kegiatan tesebut.

“Ini pelecehan menggelikan dan tidak masuk akal, Uganda telah melakukan perbuatan yang melanggar hak asasi manusia,  dan polisi telah melampaui kewenangannya. polisi harusnya patuh sebagai pelindung dan penegak hukum. “ungkap  Michelle Kagari, wakil direktur Amnesti Internasional untuk Afrika

Pada tanggal 14 Februari 2012 lalu,  Menteri Uganda untuk Etika dan Integritas, Simon Lokodo, membubarkan sebuah lokakarya lgbt ,  Kasha Jacqueline Nabagasera, seorang aktifis lesbian terpaksa melarikan diri dari hotel. Karena mendapatkan ancaman dan intimidasi.

Sebuah UU Anti-Homoseksualitas yang mengkriminalisasikan “promosi”  hak-hak lgbt kini masih tertunda di Parlemen  Uganda. Homoseksualitas ilegal di Uganda dan minggu lalu para uskup Katolik di Uganda mendaksak pemerintah Uganda untuk secepatnya mengesahkan  RUU Anti-Homoseksualitas.

Sumber : huffingtonpost.comPolice have raided a human rights workshop attended by lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) activists in Kampala, prompting Amnesty International to reiterate its call on the government to end its targeted harassment of people involved in lawful activities.

The workshop, which was organised by the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP) to teach human rights monitoring skills to LGBT activists from Rwanda, Tanzania, Kenya as well as Uganda, was closed down following the police action on Monday.

This ludicrous and senseless harassment of human rights activists has no basis in law whatsoever and has to stop,” said Michelle Kagari, Amnesty International’s deputy director for Africa.

“The continued persecution of LGBT rights activists by the Ugandan authorities is beginning to take on the sinister characteristics of a witch hunt.”

The raid took placed at 14.30 local time when a dozen police surrounded the hotel where the workshop was being held, and sealed the exits.

A pick up truck filled with police in full riot gear then pulled up outside preventing anyone from entering or leaving.

Many workshop participants, who had come from Kenya, Rwanda and Tanzania, retreated to their hotel rooms but police checked the hotel register and then went door to door to round them up.

At around 17.00 three staff members from the East and Horn of Africa Human Rights Defenders Project (EHAHRDP) who organised the workshop and three workshop participants were led to a waiting police bus.

After a meeting with senior police officials who admitted their response may have been “over zealous”, EHAHRDP were asked to present their official documents of registration at police headquarters the next day.

In February, Ugandan authorities raided another workshop led by LGBT activist Kasha Jacqueline Nabagasera© Karen Veldkamp / Amnesty International
In February, Ugandan authorities raided another workshop led by LGBT activist Kasha Jacqueline Nabagasera© Karen Veldkamp / Amnesty International

“We are seeing a worrying pattern emerging whereby the Ugandan authorities engage in arbitrary activities deliberately designed to intimidate and threaten legitimate human rights work,” said Kagari.

“The participants in this workshop had done absolutely nothing wrong and we call on the police to end this outrageous behaviour which makes a mockery of Uganda’s human rights obligations.”

LBGT people face discrimination and violence in Uganda. An Anti-Homosexuality Law which remains pending in Parliament risks further entrenching discrimination including by criminalising the “promotion” of homosexuality, as well as making it compulsory for all Ugandans to report knowledge of any LGBT person, or face three years’ jail. Continued harassment of human rights activists is an egregious violation of human rights law to which Uganda is a party.

On 14 February, Uganda’s Minister for Ethics and Integrity, Simon Lokodo, raided another LGBT rights workshop and attempted to order the arrest of Kasha Jacqueline Nabagasera, a prominent LGBT rights activist and winner of the 2011 Martin Ennals Award for Human Rights Defenders. She was forced to flee from the hotel.

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