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Sebelas kontestan dari Eropa  berusia antara 21tahun hingga  42tahun,  yang akan bertarung dalam ajang Mr Gay 2012, telah dipublikasikan namanya oleh Pihak Panitia Peyelenggara, Kompetisi  ini akan berlangsung  pada 4-8 April di Afrika Selatan tepatnya  dikota  Johannesburg.

Samuel Kneen  23-tahun , adalah salah satu peserta yang sebelumnya  memenangkan gelar Mr Gay Inggris 2011. Selain itu ada juga dari : Bulgaria, Republik Ceko, Finlandia, Perancis, Jerman, Irlandia, Belanda, Norwegia, Spanyol, Swiss dan Inggris.

Tore Aasheim,  Direktur pelaksana untuk wilayah Eropa mengatakan : “Eropa memiliki delegasi terbesar di  dalam kompetisi  Mr Gay Dunia dan sudah saatnya kita membawa trofi kembali ke benua  Eropa.”

Afrika Selatan, yang menjadi tuan kompetisi tahun ini, telah memenangkan gelar selama dua tahun terakhir.

Pada  28 Februari 2012 lalu, penyelenggara kompetisi memasang  sebuah billboard sebagai sebuah iklan tentang acara Mr Gay Word 2012 di dekat Melrose Arch,  Johannesburg Selatan, menurut panitia billboard tersebut merupakan billboard pertama yang terpampang di kota Johannesburg

Tapi  ada satu hal yang sangat disayangkan yaitu salah satu peserta yang berasal  dari Zimbabwe membatalkan untuk ikut memasuki kompetisi, padahal peserta dari Zimbabwe merupakan peserta  yang baru pertama kali dalam kontes Mr World Gay.

Direktur Mr Gay World wilayah Afrika, Coenie Kukkuk mengatakan: “Kami sedihTaurai  membatalkan  niatnya menjadi perwakilan Negaranya, padahal ia merupakan Aktifis yang  berani melawan penindasan terhadap hak-hak  gay, lesbian, biseksual, transeksual dan interseks , dan kami harus menghormati keputusannya”

sumber : 

Europe’s delegates to the Mr Gay World competition in South Africa have been revealed.

Eleven contestants aged between 21 and 42 will be sent by the continent.

Among them will be 23-year-old Samuel Kneen, who won the title of Mr Gay UK 2011.

Gay men from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Switzerland and the United Kingdom will head to South Africa for the competition this April.

Tore Aasheim, European Area Director at Mr Gay World and Mr Gay Europe President, said: “Europe has the biggest delegation in Mr Gay World and it is about time we bring the trophy back to the continent.”

South Africa, which is hosting the competition this year, has won the title for the last two years.

In February, competition organisers unveiled what they believed to be the first ever gay-themed billboard in Africa. The placard went up near Melrose Arch on M1 South in Johannesburg on 28 February.

But it was also announced that Taurai Zhanje, Zimbabwe’s delegate and one of the first gay contestants to enter the competition, had been forced to pull out of the competition.

Mr Gay World’s Director for Africa, Coenie Kukkuk said: “We are sad to loose Taurai, but in Africa, the personal sacrifice for gay and human rights is sometimes too much to expect from people.

“Taurai already made a very brave stand against the oppression of the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and intersex persons and we have to respect his decision. We wish him and his family only the best for the future.”

In December last year, shortly after he was crowned the first-ever Mr. Gay Namibia, Hamutenya was assaulted by men who demanded his winnings.

The 2012 Mr. Gay World competition will be held in Johannesburg from 4 to 8 April.

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