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Pendiri perusahaan komputer Microsoft, Bill Gates, dan CEO Microsoft, Steve Ballmer masing-masing menghibahkan dana sebesar  $ 100.000 sebagai bentuk dukunganya terhadap kesetaraan  Pernikahan,  pada sebuah organisasi  berkantor pusat di Saetlle, untuk kerja-kerja  advokasi terhadap kesetaraan pernikahan.

Microsoft sebelumnya menyatakan: “kesetaraan pernikahan  di Washington akan menempatkan pengusaha di sini pada pijakan yang sama dengan majikan” .  Enam negara bagian  sudah mengakui  kesetaraan pernikahan diantaranya : Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York dan Vermont.

Dukungan atas kesetaraan pernikahan sebelumnya dilakukan oleh perusahaan raksasa lainya diantaranya : Nike dan Starbucks.

Sumber : dot429.comMicrosoft Founder, Bill Gates, and Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer each donate $100,000 to Washington United for Marriage, a same sex advocacy group based in Seattle.

While Microsoft won’t officially comment on political donations made by their employees, Microsoft has previously stated: “Marriage equality in Washington would put employers here on an equal footing with employers in the six other states that already recognize the committed relationships of same-sex couples – Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York and Vermont. This in turn will help us continue to compete for talent.”

Other prominent Northwest-based companies who have recently voiced support for same-sex marriage include Nike and Starbucks.

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