Close this search box. Sebuah kebijakan telah dibuat oleh Negara di Uni Eropa untuk melindungi  kelompok  Lesbian, gay, biseksual  dan Transgender. Awal pekan ini kebijakan baru di umumkan oleh Komisi Eropa, 27-anggota eksekutif  Uni Eropa ada dalam sebuah diskusi panel. Dan mengeluarkan pernyataan dengan mengunakan “Kriteria Copenhegen”  tahun 1993 yang berisi : perjanjian Uni Eropa yang melarang diskriminasi terhadap kelompok minoritas.

Hak-hak LGBT  merupakan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari kriteria Kopenhagen.  Dalam memerangi diskriminasi  komisi Uni Eropa selalu melakukan pemantauan, dengan melaporkan kemajuan ataupun kemunduran berkaitan dengan situasi komunitas LGBT, “tulis pernyataan tersebut.

Pernyataan Komisi Uni Eropa  dikeluarkan dalam menanggapi keinginan seorang ulama yang berasal dari  Armenia, agar  Armenia menjadi anggota Uni Eropa.  Namun Armenia secara konsisten kurang  memiliki payung hukum yang jelas  dalam hal perlindungan terhadap hak-hak LGBT.

“Ini bukan dalam budaya kita untuk menerima kaum homoseksual,” kata Uskup Hovakim Manukyan dalam sebuah wawancara dengan EUobserver . Kita tidak menolak orang tersebut., Tapi kami menolak dosa dan ini adalah kebebasan kita sebagai orang Armenia. Budaya kita tidak menerima ini . ”

Penolakan Komisi Eropa  terhadap Armenia memiliki  pesan yang cukup kuat terhadap toleransi LGBT. Semua anggota Uni Eropa telah melindungi kaum homoseksual. Pernyataan Komisi  Uni Eropa adalah langkah lain dalam dukungan terhadap hak-hak LGBT  di seluruh Eropa.

Awal bulan ini, Uni Eropa menjanjikan € 10.000 untuk mendukung Pride House 2012 – sebuah LGBT safe haven – untuk Olimpiade Musim Panas di London minggu depan.

Sumber : dot429.comA new policy has been passed in the European Union preventing any candidate-nation that does not have current laws protecting the LGBT-community from joining. However, the policy does not require it of countries that are already members of the European Union.

The new policy was announced by the European Commission, the 27-member executive panel of the European Union, in a statement earlier this week. The statement uses the 1993 “Copenhagen criteria” of EU eligibility and the second article of the EU Treaty which prohibits discrimination against minorities as validating reasons.

“Rights of LGBT [lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender] people thus form an integral part of both the Copenhagen political criteria for accession and the EU legal framework on combatting discrimination. They are closely monitored by the EU commission, which reports annually on the progress made by enlargement countries with regard to the situation of the LGBT community,” read the statement.

Technically, the new policy functions more as a statement of clarification than law, but still holds relevant implications.

The Commission’s statement was issued in response to an Armenian cleric’s desire for Armenia to become a member of the European Union. Armenia has consistently scored low in terms of LGBT protections and accommodations in studies conducted by European human rights groups.

“It’s not in our culture to accept homosexuals,” said Bishop Hovakim Manukyan in an interview with the EUobserver. “We don’t reject the person, but we reject the sin and this is our freedom as Armenians. Our culture does not accept this.”

The European Commission’s denial of Armenia’s entry to the Union sends a strong message of LGBT tolerance. While all nation members currently have laws protecting homosexuals, the extent of those laws vary. Actual legal protections of same-sex relationships still do not exist in some.

The Commission’s statement is another step in the EU’s support of LGBT rights across Europe. Earlier this month, the EU pledged 10,000 euros in support of the 2012 Pride House – a LGBT safe-haven – for the Summer Olympics in London next week.

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