Close this search box., New York: Organisasi kontes Miss Universe menuntut Miss Pennsylvania Sheena Monnin lantaran menentang keputusan organisasi, yang mengizinkan kontestan transgender ikut berkompetisi. Mounin dianggap menuduh kompetisi kecantikan itu bermain curang, serta menyebutnya sebagai ajang sampah dan penuh penipuan.

Mounnin dinyatakan mengundurkan diri dengan melemparkan mahkotanya usai mendapatkan informasi dari Miss Florida Karina Brez bahwa organisasi itu telah menetapkan lima finalis sebelum kontes diselenggarakan. Merasa dicurangi, ia kemudian menulis dalam akun Facebooknya bahwa kontes Miss USA diwarnai kecurangan.

Menurut organisasi Miss Universe, sebenarnya alasan Mounin mengundurkan diri karena organisasi tersebut mengizinkan seorang transgender ikut berkompetisi. Organisasi itu juga mengeluarkan pernyataan Brez, yang mengatakan bahwa informasi yang disampaikannya ke Monnin hanyalah guyonan.

Tak terima dengan tuduhan Mounin di jejaring sosial tersebut, lewat pengacara Scott Balber, organisasi yang bermarkas di New York, AS, itu melayangkan gugatan ganti rugi kepada Monnin. Namun, Balber tidak menyebutkan nominal ganti rugi tersebut.

Mounin mengaku tidak takut atas gugatan tersebut. Ia akan melawannya, karena yakin bahwa apa yang ia dengar dan ia lihat adalah benar. “Aku yakin dengan apa yang aku dengar dan aku tahu kebenarannya,” katanya.(SHA)

sumber : 

SHEENA MONNIN, the reigning MISS PENNSYLVANIA USA, resigned from her post this week, calling the MISS UNIVERSE ORGANIZATION’s winner-selection process “fraudulent, lacking in morals, inconsistent and in many ways trashy.”

That hit close to home for CUMULUS Top 40/Mainstream WBHT/WILKES-BARRE night slammer RALPHIE AVERSA, who also handles nights on sister Top 40 WPRO-F/PROVIDENCE.

AVERSA tells ALL ACCESS, “Thought you might be interested in this — MISS PENNSYLVANIA USA resigned from her crown following SUNDAY’s MISS USA PAGEANT on NBC. She didn’t make the Top 16. I was a part of the judging panel that crowned her in PITTSBURGH last DECEMBER. I can’t speak for MISS USA or MISS UNIVERSE, but on a state level — the process was fair, organized, and objective. PAGEANT ASSOCIATES, the producer of a handful of state qualifiers for MISS USA including MISS PENNSYLVANIA USA, runs a well-oiled operation that leaves zero room for any type of unfair result, accidental or not.”

“Ms. MONNIN’s resignation surprises me for a plethora of reasons,” contimued AVERSA. “First of all — she’s been in pageantry for over eight years and this was her third attempt at the MISS PA USA crown. I find it hard to believe that any part of this process can surprise her at this point. Second — Ms. MONNIN still could have done a lot of good this upcoming year as MISS PENNSYLVANIA USA with charities and non-for-profit organizations. If anything isn’t fair, it is the way in which she has attempted, intentionally or not, to steal the spotlight from OLIVIA CULPO and how she has stolen THE KEYSTONE STATE’s crown from a number of other well-deserving candidates.”

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