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Mengikuti jejak Belgia dan Amerika, sebuah aplikasi smartphone berjudul Bashing.eudiluncurkan di Belanda Rabu (30/05). Aplikasi smartphone ini diharapkan dapat memetakan insiden kekerasan terhadap lgbt.

Aplikasi ini merupakan inisiatif Stichting Vrienden van de Gay Krant. Cara menggunakannya cukup mudah. Dalam waktu satu menit, pengguna bisa memasukkan data mengenai apa, di mana, bagaimana dan kapan ia mengalami kekerasan. Data yang dimasukkan kemudian disimpan dan diolah sehingga kekerasan terhadap kaum homoseskual dapat dipetakan di Belanda.

Menurut Henk Krol, ketua yayasan dan kepala redaksi Gay Krant, para pengguna aplikasi juga langsung mendapatkan saran.

“Pada waktu mengalami kekerasan, anda langsung bisa melaporkan melalui telepon genggam. Anda pun langsung mendapat tips ke mana anda bisa mengadukan keluhan. Karena setiap keluhan tentu berbeda-beda. Apakah anda diolok-olok atau diancam secara fisik? Anda langsung mendapat tips harus pergi ke mana, semuanya tergantung data yang dimasukkan”.

Laporan-laporan yang masuk juga didata di dalam website Selain itu, aplikasi ini juga bekerja sama dengan Landelijk Parket dan Ombudsman demi menangani laporan-laporan yang masuk sebaik mungkin. Dengan begini, Krol berharap dapat menekan jumlah kekerasan terhadap lgbt.

Di Utrecht, pengalaman menggunakan aplikasi ini cukup positif. Di kota ini, aplikasi yang bernama Gay Alert telah berjalan sejak bulan Maret 2012. “Setiap kali terjadi sesuatu, langsung banyak laporan masuk. Saya berharap laporan yang masuk semakin meningkat, karena dengan begitu anda bisa lebih cepat mengadukan sesuatu”, tukas Krol.



Aplikasi pengaduan kekerasan terjadap lgbt ini mengikuti aplikasi yang diluncurkan di Belgia. Bert Vermeire, developer biro iklan di Brussel, mencetuskan ide pembuatan aplikasi ini tahun lalu.

Sebelumnya Vermeire melihat iklan Outrage!, gerakan anti pengolok-olokkan terhadap lgbt, di Facebook.
“Waktu itu dicari sebuah strategi yang dapat digunakan untuk memetakan kekerasan terhadap lgbt”, tutur Vermeire.

Pada tahun 2010, data-data menunjukkan peningkatan yang drastis atas insiden kekerasan terhadap lgbt di Belanda. Jumlahnya bahkan meningkat dua kali lipat dibanding tahun 2009. Menurut COC, 7 dari 10 lgbt di Belanda pernah mengalami tindakan kekerasan.

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Following the lead of the United States and Belgium, the Netherlands on Wednesday saw the launch of the latest smartphone app: The application is intended to provide an overview of violence against members of the LGBT community.

The app, an initiative of the Vrienden van de Gay Krant foundation (Friends of the Gay Newspaper), is extremely user-friendly. It takes less than a minute for a victim to upload where, how and when what kind of violence was used against them. The data are stored and processed to create a map of the Netherlands showing an overview of homophobic incidents.

Henk Krol, chair of the foundation and editor-in-chief of the Gay Krant, says that users of the app also receive advice on what to do next.

“If something’s happened to you, you can immediately file a report with the police via your mobile phone. And you will receive tips on where to file a complaint. Because each complaint is of course different. Were you bullied? Or threatened physically? Depending on what you fill in, you get tips on what should be the right place for you to go.”

The Vrienden van de Gay Krant foundation works together with the Public Prosecution Service and the national Ombudsman in order to find the most effective way of taking action against homophobic violence. Mr Krol hopes this will lead to a reduction in the number of incidents. All reports are also registered

So far, the results in Utrecht have been encouraging. The app was launched there at the end of March under the name Gay Alert. According to Henk Krol there is a surge in the number of reports each time the media pay attention to the app: “I expect an increase in the number of reports, because they can be filed faster this way.”

The Dutch app against gay bashing is based on its Belgian counterpart, which is the brain child of Bert Vermeire. He is a developer at a Brussels’ advertising agency who came across a Facebook appeal launched by Belgian anti gay bashing movement Outrage! “People were asked to come up with a strategy to create an inventory of homophobic violence,” says Vermeire.

Recently published figures show a substantial increase in homophobic incidents in 2010. The number of incidents had doubled compared to 2009. Dutch LGBT interests group COC says seven in ten homosexual men and women in the Netherlands face homophobic violence at some point in their lives.(gsh)

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