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Beberapa Foto  yang mengejutkan beredar di dunia maya mengambarkan sebuah serangan yang dialami oleh seorang ketua forum organisasi gay di ukraina.  Dalam foto tersebut terlihat tiga orang preman menendang , melompat  tepat dibagian tubuh Svyatoslav Sheremet, hingga ia tergeletak ditanah begitu saja.

Svyatoslav Sheremet diserang setelah bertemu dengan anggota media untuk menginformasikan bahwa parade gay pertama di ibukota Ukraina Kiev dibatalkan. Para penyerang melarikan diri ketika mereka menyadari ada wartawan media yang mendokumentasikan serangan mengerikan tersebut.


Acara  Parade LGBT yang diikuti oleh sekitar 150 partisipan tersebut mendapat pengawalan yang ketat oleh polisi tidak mampu meredakan kericuhan yang terjadi.

Svyatoslav Sheremet babak belur berlumuran darah setelah ia diserang. Ratusan neo-Nazi dan Ekstrimis  sayap kanan muncul di Kiev dan menyerang parade gay.  ratusan neo-Nazi dan lainnya muncul dan menyebar ke seluruh kota dan mulai menyerang orang. Sedikitnya dua orang memerlukan perawatan rumah sakit setelah diserang.
Cornelissen salah satu anngota partai politik di Ukraina mengatakan  “Polisi Ukraina tidak mampu memberikan keamanan peserta  Gay Pride, dan saya ragu  apakah apakah Ukraina bisa menjadi tuan rumah yang baik dalam Kejuaraan Sepak Bola Eropa UEFA musim panas tahun 2012 ini.” Euro 2012 akan berlangsung antara tanggal 8 dan 1 Juli dan akan diselenggarakan bersama antara Ukraina dan Polandia.

Parlemen Ukraina akan bertemu Selasa  besaok untuk mengutuk kegiatan kemarin dan juga akan membahas homofobia di negara ini. Tambah Marije

sumber : are shocking pictures which gay people still face a daily struggle against prejudice in some parts of the world. With a group of three violent thugs kicking and jumping on him, Svyatoslav Sheremet lies forlornly on the ground. He is being attacked because he is the head of the organisation Gay Forum of Ukraine.

He was attacked after meeting with members of the media to inform them that the first gay parade in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev was cancelled.

The attackers ran off when they realised members of the media were documenting the horrific assault.  

The event – which had attracted about 150 gay men and lesbians – was held at a secret location and had a huge police presence.

Battered: Svyatoslav Sheremet is covered in blood after he was attacked. Hundreds of neo-Nazis and other right-wing extremists turned up in Kiev to attack the gay paradeBattered: Svyatoslav Sheremet is covered in blood after he was attacked. Hundreds of neo-Nazis and other right-wing extremists turned up in Kiev to attack the gay parade But hundreds of neo-Nazis and other right-wing extremists turned up and spread throughout the city and began to attack people.

At least two people required hospital treatment after being assaulted. Following the arrival of the huge groups of extremists – and the risks they posed to those looking to enjoy the event – Kiev Pride was called off.

The attacks are particularly worrying as Ukraine will jointly host the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship this summer, which will see tens of thousands of football fans from across Europe descend on the country.

Speaking to, Green MEP Marije Cornelissen said she was disappointed that the authorities could not uphold human rights in Kiev.

She added: ‘If the Ukrainian police is unable to offer safety to participants in a Gay Pride, then you may doubt whether they can in the upcoming European Championships.’

One of the organisers of the event – known as Taras – said he was disappointed but added: ‘Our goal was to promote dialogue in society, that’s succeeded.’

The Ukraine Parliament will meet on Tuesday to condemn yesterday’s activities and will also discuss homophobia in the country

Euro 2012 will take place between June 8 and July 1 and will be jointly hosted between Ukraine and Poland.

Troubling: The attacks are particularly worrying as Ukraine will jointly host the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship this summer. Svyatoslav Sheremet is pictured talking to a police officerTroubling: The attacks are particularly worrying as Ukraine will jointly host the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship this summer. Svyatoslav Sheremet is pictured talking to a police officer

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