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DC Comics dalam waktu dekat akan mengeluarkan komik dengan tokoh jagoan seorang lesbian, gay atau biseksual LGBT.

Saat mengunjungi Konfrensi Komik di Landon , Co-penerbit DC Comics , Dan DiDio menyatakan akan menghadirkan tokoh jagoan yang memiliki  ketertarikan sesama jenis mereka dalam waktu dekat.

Ada banyak spekulasi di kalangan penggemar komik yang mengatakan bahwa  selama ini banyak karater/tokoh  komik  masih  dari Mavel Comic yang masih menyembunyikan orientasi seksualnya seperti : Superman, Batman, Robin, Wonder Women, Flash, Aquaman.

The Advocate, melasir sebuah berita yang bahwa karater komik yang hadir selama ini sudah kadung dikenal dengan orientasi seksual hetero, dan para pengemar hanya melihat dari sudah kepahlahwanannya saja tapi tidak mempertanyakan orientasi seksual tokoh yang mereka idolakan.

Pengumuman akhir pekan ini tampaknya menunjukkan perubahan hati dari  DC Comics, karena mereka berencana memperkenalkan karakter yang akan keluar menjadi salah satu ‘karakter gay yang paling menonjol’ dalam seri komik yang akan dibuat.

DiDio sangat antusias untuk menyambut  keanekaragaman super hero dengan memperkenalkan karakter LGBT ke komik nya, diantaranya : ada Batwoman dengan karater utama lesbian, Pasangan Super hero gay Apollo dan Midnighter , dan super hero biseksual  Voodoo.

sumber : 

A major DC Comics character is likely to come out as lesbian, gay or bisexual in the not too distant future.

DC Comics co-publisher Dan DiDio let it slip that an established character will announce their same-sex attraction very soon, as he visited this weekend’s Kapow! convention in London this weekend.

There is much speculation among fans as to which character is still in the closet. Superman, Batman, Wonderwoman, The Flash, and Aquaman are just some of the superheroes made famous by the comic book giant, which is one of the largest in America alongside Marvel Comics.

He had previously hinted in an interview with The Advocate that he did not want to change an existing character who identified as straight.

He said: “One of the things we’re very focused on doing for these types of stories is rather than [change an existing] character, we want to make sure that this is the basis of who that character is right from the start.”

This weekend’s announcement seems to indicate a change of heart from DC Comics, as they plan to reintroduce a character who will come out to become one of the ‘most prominent gay characters’ in the series.

DiDio has been keen to set standards of diversity and inclusivity by introducing LGBT superhero characters into his comics. These have included lesbians Batwoman and The Question, gay superhero couple Apollo and Midnighter, and bisexual Voodoo.

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