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Seorang Editor Christopher Frizzelle berbagi nasihatnya tentang bagaimana “coming out” membuka diri sebagai seorang gay, agar menjadi diri sendiri.

Sebuah video animasi pendek dibuat untuk mempromosikan buku ‘How To Be si A: The Strangers’ Panduan Untuk  kampus , sebuah kolaborasi antara Lindy Barat, Dan Savage, Christopher Frizzelle, Bethany Clement Jean dan staf dari The Stranger, sebuah koran alternatif mingguan yang terbit Seattle.

Durasi video 1 menit 30 detik,  menampilkan  ilustrasi papan tulis lucu binatang dan manusia, mempromosikan pesan menjadi gay adalah hal yang biasa, dan siapa saja berhak untuk menentukan orientasi seksualnya.

Diceritakan dan ditulis oleh Christopher Frizzelle, ia berbicara proses membuka diri didalam video klip manis dan lucu.

Frizzelle mengatakan bagian tersulit dalam hidupnya Adalah : ketika ia harus membuka diri bahwa ia Adalah seorang gay.

Panduan “The Strangers ‘To College”  tersedia di Amerika Serikat dan di seluruh dunia elektronik.

sumber : Helen Wright/ PelangiStrangers editor Christopher Frizzelle shares his advice about coming out of the closet and being yourself

‘As long as there have been people, there have been gay people.’

How to come out of the closet is a short animated video that’s been made to promote the book ‘How To Be A Person: The Strangers’ Guide To College’, a collaboration between Lindy West, Dan Savage, Christopher Frizzelle, Bethany Jean Clement and the staff of The Stranger, Seattle’s alternative weekly newspaper.

The 1 minute 30 second clip is illustrated with cute chalkboard illustrations of animals and people, promoting the message being gay is normal, and anyone who has a problem with your sexuality isn’t worth your time.

Narrated and written by Stranger editor Christopher Frizzelle, he talks you through the coming out process in this sweet and funny clip.

Frizzelle says the hardest part of coming out is looking into someone else’s eyes and saying the words ‘I’m Gay’, so, therefore, telling them while you are in a car may be easier because ‘You have to keep your eyes on the road – it’s the law.’

How To Be A Person: The Strangers’ Guide To College is available in the United States and electronically worldwide.

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