Close this search box. Kurdi Diyarbakir. Turki, Seorang remaja gay dilaporkan telah dibunuh oleh ayah dan pamannya karena dianggap ‘mempermalukan’ keluarga.

Menurut keterangan  dari komunitas LGBT setempat, pembunuhan  terjadi bulan lalu. Korban berinisial RA, 17tahun, sebelum kejadian korban sempat mengungsi kerumah salah satu temanya, ia sempat bercerita bahwa ia kerapkali mendapatkan kekerasan karena ia gay.

Malang tak dapat ditolak. Paman korban mengendus keberadaan RA, hingga dipaksa untuk kembali kerumahnya. Dan setelah itu RA diduga telah ditembak sebanyak 14kali oleh pamanya hingga ia tewas terkapar disisi jalan. Tak lama kemudian Ayah dan paman RA yang ditangkap oleh pihak yang berwajib atas  pembunuhan itu.

Media lokal Turki. Hurriyet. Mengatakan: ” Bahwa Keluarga menutupi pembunuhan yang terjadi,  karena mereka berasal dari  keluarga suku yang kaya dan berkuasa. Mereka ingin polisi menyembunyikan kasus tersebut.

Latar belakang terjadinya kekerasan dan pembunuhan terhadap LGBT di Turki,  disebabkan karena adanya : doktrin, stigma, serta status sosial yang melekat pada lgbt. Segelintir masyarakat Turki menyakini  bahwa melakukan kekerasan dan pembunuhan terhadap lgbt adalah suatu kehormatan atau sering disebut dengan istilah “Honor Killings”.”pembunuhan kehormatan”.

Hebûn, Organisasi LGBT di kota Diyarbakir, Turki. Mengatakan bahwa tidak hanya masyarakat yang ikut andil dalam berkembangnya kekerasan dan pembunuhan  terhadap lgbt  di Turki, tapi juga polisi. Banyak kasus yang ditutup-tutupi tanpa adanya sangsi hukum yang jelas bagi para pelaku.

Tahun 2008, seorang pemuda gay meninggalkan kota Diyarbakir, menuju ke Istambul untuk menjalani kehidupan yang lebih terbuka, namun tak lama kemudian ia tewas dibunuh oleh ayahnya karena dianggap telah mempermalukan keluarga.

Arif ketua Hebûn, mengatakan pada gaystarsnews: “bahwa  kemanapun seorang lgbt pergi, keluarga tetap akan mencari tau tentang keberadaan kita. Dan Ini merupakan jawaban kenapa  kami lebih memilih untuk tetap bersama keluarga”.

“Ayahku akan membunuhku jika dia tahu aku gay, dia orang yang sangat religius yang telah tinggal di Arab Saudi selama bertahun-tahun. ‘. ungkap salah satu seorang gay yang diwawancarai oleh gaystarnews.

Penulis : Dan littaeur/ PelangiA Turkish gay teen is reported to have been murdered by his father and uncle for ‘shaming’ the family, who then attempted to cover up the incident

A gay teenager was allegedly murdered by his father and uncle in the Kurdish province of Diyarbakır, Turkey.

According to the local members of the LGBT community, the murder, which happened last month, only came to light recently as the boy’s rich and powerful tribal family attempted to cover it up.

The victim only known by his initials, R.A., 17, had allegedly been exposed to violence by his family because of his sexual orientation before seeking refuge at a friend’s house, according to a report cited by the Turkish daily Hurriyet.

R.A.’s uncle, however, forcibly removed the teenager from his friend’s house; later, the boy reportedly had an argument with his father, after which the latter allegedly shot his son 14 times before he and his brother deposited the body by the side of the road.

R.A.’s father and uncle were subsequently arrested for their alleged role in the murder.

Hurriyet spoke to a member of the local LGBT community who stated: ’The family wanted to cover up the murder which happened one month ago because they were a rich and powerful tribal family. They wanted the police to hide the incident.

‘We are subjected to violence, but there is no place where we can make a complaint or search for our rights. Police insult and swear at us, doctors make fun of us.’

Murders of Turkey’s LGBT community members by their own families have been reported in Julyand April this year.  Such murders have been dubbed ‘honor killings’, as the family prefers to kill a member who is LGBT for the stigma, negative social standing and ostracization that can ensue if found out by the wider family and community.

LGBT activists, however, often object to the term stating that it is nothing short of murder, objecting to its classification as a special form of ‘killing’.

Turkish LGBT organisations, including Hebûn, the LGBT group in Diyarbakir, have repeatedly stressed that such murders are under reported by the family, community and police who often all have an interest to cover up such incidents.

In 2008, Ahmet Yildiz, a young Kurdish gay man who left Diyarbakir to Istanbul to live his life honestly and openly was murdered by his father for ‘shaming’ the family.

In Feburary, Arif the head of Hebûn, told GSN: ‘There is also the risk that our families will find out about us and our work.

‘None of us are “out” to family members, and we are constantly trying to hide our real selves from them. The younger members sometimes have to stay with friends as to escape from their families.

‘My father would kill me if he found out that I’m gay, he’s a very religious man who has lived in Saudi Arabia for many years. ‘
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