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Mahatma Gandhi (sumber
Mahatma Gandhi (sumber

Sebuah film berjudul “Papilio Budha”. Yang menceritakan tentang penderitaan kaum Dalit India telah dilarang beredar.  Badan pusat sertifikasi film India mengatakan bahwa film ini telah mengambarkan kampanye yang buruk karena Mahatma Ghandi digambarkan sebagai seorang gay.

Dewan sertifikasi film India mengatakan bahwa dalam film tersebut Mahatma Gandhi digambarkan begitu flamboyan, selaintu dewan juga mengeluhkan pengambaran yang brutal terhadap kaum Dalit dan juga kekerasan terhadap perempuan, pemerkosaan begitu nyata divisualkan.

Namun sang sutradara, Jayan Cheriyan, mengatakan kepada Chronicle Deccan bahwa film adalah sebuah ‘pro-dalit” film ini diinspirasi oleh peristiwa kehidupan nyata yang menggambarkan perjuangan mereka yang sebenarnya. Dan ini merupakan sebuah film perdebatan politis antara Ghandhi versus Ambedkar”. Ungkap  Cheriyan kepada Herald.

Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar seorang tokoh politik India yang mendorong kaum Dalit mengkonversi dari Hindu ke Budha – sebuah agama tanpa sistem kasta.

Ambedkar bentrok dengan Gandhi yang ingin dalit tetap Hindu saat mengeluarkan sistem kasta, sementara Ambedkar mengkritik langkah perubahan mengenai hak dalit di bawah kepemimpinan Gandhi dari India Partai Kongres Nasional.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir telah muncul kabar bahwa  Mahatma Gandhi mungkin memiliki hubungan sesama jenis dengan binaragawan Jerman, Hermann Kallenbach.

Penulis : Andrew Potts/ PelangiA film highlighting the struggle for equal rights by India’s ‘untouchables’ has been banned by film censors for insulting Mahatma Gandhi by calling him gay.

A feature film about the plight of India’s dalits, or ‘untouchable’ caste, has been banned by the country’s Central Board of Film Certification for portraying the country’s independence campaigner Mahatma Ghandi in a bad light, including calling him gay.

The film board declared that the film Papilio Buddha could not be certified even with major cuts.

The board found that the film contained ‘visuals and dialogues denigrating Mahatma Gandhi, such as garlanding the effigy of Gandhiji with [shoes] and then burning the effigy, referring to Gandhiji as a person with homosexual inclination, [and as] cheating [low caste people].’

The board also complained about the use of offensive language in the film and its depiction of police brutality against dalits and violence against women, including a gang rape.

However the film’s director, Jayan Cheriyan, told the Deccan Chronicle that the film was a ‘pro-dalit movie inspired by real life events and characters’ depicting their actual struggles.

‘It is a film on the Ambedkarist politics and on the debate of ‘Gandhi vs Ambedkar’, Cheriyan told the Herald.

B. R. Ambedkar was an Indian dalit rights campaigner who rose to become the Chairman of the Drafting Committee for the Indian Constitution and encouraged dalits to convert from Hinduism to Buddhism – a religion without a caste system.

Ambedkar clashed with Gandhi who wanted dalits to remain Hindus while removing the caste system, while Ambedkar criticized the pace of change regarding dalit rights under Gandhi’s leadership of the Indian National Congress Party.

The burning of Gandhi in effigy takes place in the context of a political protest depicted in the film.

In recent years letters have emerged that suggest Gandhi may have had a same-sex relationship with a German bodybuilder, Hermann Kallenbach.

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