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Satu tahun setelah New York melakukan pengesahan  Undang-undang  kesetaraan pernikahan  yang  memberikan hak  setara kepada pasangan sesama jenis untuk menikah, New York mendapatkan keuntungan ekonomi yang cukup besar.

Pada tahun pertama dilegalkan saja, nilainya mencapai US$ 252 juta atau setara Rp 2,3 triliun, setidaknya ada 8.200 pasangan sejenis yang menikah. Jumlah itu lebih dari 10 persen total pengantin yang mencapai 7.500 pasang sepanjang tahun lalu.

New York mencatat kedatangan tamu dari luar kota yang melangsungkan pernikahan sesame jenis mencapai 200 ribu orang. Ada 235 ribu kamar hotel yang dipesan dengan rata-rata tarif per kamar US$ 275.  Ungkap  Walikota Michael Bloomberg

Pernyataan Walikota tersebut berdasarkan survei yang diselenggarakan oleh NYC & Co, Kantor Pemasaran dan Pariwisata Kota New York.
“Kesetaraan pernikahan  telah membuat Kota kita lebih terbuka, inklusif dan bebas – dan yang pasti telah membantu memajukan perekonomian dengan menciptakan lapangan kerja baru. New York akan terus menjadi tempat yang ramah  menyambut kedatangan pasangan sesama jenis beserta orang-orang terdekatnya dari seluruh penjuru dunia.  Banyak orang mengatakan bahwa “industri”  pernikahan adalah bisnis yang tidak menguntungkan ternyata salah besar”  Ucap Walikota Bloomberg Dalam sebuah pernyataan yang di rilis pada hari Selasa 24 juli 2012.

New York menjadi kota keenam di Amerika yang melegalkan pernikahan  sesama jenis, sebelumnya ada lima kota yang telah melagalkan pernikahan sesame jenis diantaranya : Massachusett , Connecticuit, Iowa, Vermont, New Hamspire,

Sumber : .huffingtonpost/Yatna PelangiOne year after New York passed the historic Marriage Equality Act, granting same-sex couples the right to marry,passage of same-sex marriage, a new report reveals law has generated $259 million in economic impact in New York City alone.

Mayor Bloomberg said in a statement released on Tuesday:

Marriage equality has made our City more open, inclusive and free – and it has also helped to create jobs and support our economy. New York has always been a great place to get married and since the passage of the Marriage Equality Act, we’re welcoming more and more couples, their families and friends from around the country and the world.

Included in the $259 million figure is revenue stemming from marriage license applications, money spent by out-of-city guests on hotel rooms, and the wedding industry in general.

Prior to the state’s enactment of same-sex marriage, a report from the State Senate’s Independent Democratic Conference predicted gay and lesbian marriages would rake in $391 million in economic activity for New York State during the first three years after going into effect.

However, while the extra increased revenue is good news for the state’s economy, many in the wedding industry say business isn’t exactly booming.

Sarah Cohen, owner of Blossom and Branch in Brooklyn, explained, “The kind of people who were throwing lavish parties or celebrations were celebrating with or without the piece of paper.”

Regardless of the economic impacts though, the social and cultural significances of the Marriage Equality Act are undoubtedly still felt.

I couldn’t be more proud that so many same-sex couples have taken advantage of their long-awaited right to marry across our great state this past year.Today is my husband John’s birthday, and after 31 years with me, it is the first birthday he is celebrating as a married man. Happy birthday to John and congratulations to the thousands of other LGBT New Yorkers now able to share important life milestones as married couples!

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