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Omar Shalaby Wakil ketua diplomatik Mesir untuk Dewan HAM PBB, mengeluarkan pernyataan Homophobia dalam pertemuan Asosiasi hak asasi manusia yang dia adakan di Geneva 21 juni  lalu.  Menurut Shalaby, Lesbian, gay, biseksual dan transjender adalah komunitas yang tidak nyata di Timur Tengah.

Menurut sebuah transkripsi dari presentasi  Shalaby, ia mengatakan dengan tegas bahwa  gagasan mengenai  orientasi seksual  bukanlah  bagian dari hak asasi manusia  yang perlu diakui secara universal.

Dalam sebuah pernyataan email ke Rabu, Klaus Jetz, direktur eksekutif Asosiasi  Lesbian dan Gay Jerman, menuliskan email kepada bahwa  “LGBT adalah hak asasi manusia, dan hak asasi manusia itu bersifat universal dan tak terpisahkan. Menyangkal hak asasi manusia untuk LGBT berarti menyerang hak asasi manusia. ”  mencoba mencari tanggapan  dari  konsulat kedutaan Mesir di Jerman tapi belum juga ada tanggapan.

Pemerintah Mesir selama bertahun-tahun menyangkal  keberadaan lgbt, suasana ketakutan dan terancam dialami oleh banyak lgbt karena dianggap kriminal dan dikenakan hukum pidana. Dan menurut  Human Rights Watch, dua puluh tiga pria dihukum pada tahun 2001 dalam sebuah “percobaan bermotif politik” untuk orientasi dugaan seksual mereka.

Menurut Maina Kiai repoter untuk United Nation mengatakan bahwa Komentar yang dibuat oleh delegasi Mesir pada tanggal 21 Juni lalu seharusnya tidak diartikan sebagai hal yang penting, karena Dewan ham PBB saat ini sudah sangat vocal dalam mendukung kebijakan anti diskriminasi terhadap lgbt. Selain itu walau ada kontraversi, yang perlu dicatat adalah bahwa pada sidang umum PBB bulan Maret lalu isu lgbt menjadi sebuah isu yang dibicarakan bersama.

Desember Tahun lalu Hilary Clinton mengatakan dalam sebuah pidato pada dewan Ham PBB di Jenewa bahwa “Homoseksualitas bukanlah sebuah tindakan criminal, dan Hak Gay adalah Hak asasi manusia.”

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 Egypt’s chief diplomatic representative to the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva declared last week at a meeting about the universal right to association that gays do not warrant protections and are considered not to be “real people” in the Middle East.

The liberal Egyptian web news outlet Bikya Masr first reported on Omar Shalaby’s homophobic remarks.

According to a transcription of Mr Shalaby’s presentation, he said: “Finally, concerning the highly controversial notion of sexual orientation, we can only reiterate that it is not part of the universally recognized human rights.”

Last year, US Sectary of State Hilary Clinton, however, told the UN body in Geneva that “It should never be a crime to be gay.” Mrs Clinton told the diplomats in Geneva in December that: “Gay rights are human rights.”

Mr Shalaby further stated: “We call on Mr Kiai [UN Special Rapporteur on freedom of peaceful assembly and association] not to undermine the credibility and legitimacy of his important work in the eyes of real people who actually need it, especially in regions where such concepts are rejected by both its Christian and Muslim inhabitants like the Middle East.”

The UN webcast of Mr Shalaby’s anti-gay comments can be viewed here.

In an email statement to on Wednesday, Klaus Jetz, the executive director of Germany’s Lesbian and Gay Association, wrote: “LGBT rights are human rights, they are universal and indivisible. They apply to LGBT people all over the world and to LGBT people in Egypt as well, they are not negotiable. Denying human rights to LGBT people means attacking human rights.” emails seeking a comment from Egypt’s embassy and consulate in Germany were not immediately returned. Egypt’s government has over the years severely cracked down on gay life in the country, including mass show trials of men to ratchet up a climate of fear against sexual minorities. According to Human Rights Watch,twenty-three men were convicted in 2001 in a “politically motivated trial” for their alleged sexual orientation.

Though homosexuality is ostensibly not legally codified as a crime, there are widespread anti-gay barriers in Egypt that prevent the free expression of the LGBT community.

Update: The UN Human Rights Council told “The Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body which provides a space for a wide range of views from States, NGOs, civil society and other participants. The comments made by the Egyptian delegate on 21 June during a discussion on a report of the Special Rapporteur on peaceful assembly, Maina Kiai, expressed the views of the Egyptian delegation, and should certainly not be interpreted as an endorsement by the Council as a whole.

“In fact, the Council has been very vocal on this issue on several recent occasions through which the majority of its members expressed strong support for additional national policies and programmes to combat discrimination against LGBT persons on various levels. Following a landmark decision by the Council last June recognizing the rights of LGBT persons, and a subsequent study produced by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in December on this issue, the Council held a panel discussion in March which marked the first-ever discussion on the issue at the UN in a formal intergovernmental setting.”

Critics of the UN body say that totalitarian countries like the Islamic Republic of Iran, which enforces lethal penalties targeting gays, have trampled over the notion of protecting LGBT rights at the UN.

Benjamin Weinthal is a Berlin-based investigative reporter and a Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies.

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