Close this search box., Warsawa: Insan kesehatan Polandia beranggapan jika homoseksual mirip dengan pemerkosaan dan prostitusi. Media ZeeNews mewartakan, Sabtu (9/6), hal itu berdasarkan panduan ajaran resmi bagi keperawatan dan kebidanan Polandia yang menyebutkan jika homoseksualitas disebut sebagai “patologi”. Subjek dari “masalah seksual” itu memita perawat tentang bagaimana mengidentifikasi dan memberikan bantuan dalam situasi kekerasan dan gangguan seksual.

Bahkan, dalam salah satu halaman disebutkan jika kaum homoseksual sangat berbahaya secara sosial. Para parawat kemudian diberi sejumlah pilihan dalam menangani pasien yang memilik “dorongan seksual abnormal” dan “pelacuran”.

Isi buku itu dianggap tidak menghargaai hak-hak manusia yang berhak menetukan pilihan kecenderungan orientasi sosial. Agnieszka Kozlowska-Rajewicz dari pemerintah Polandia untuk perlakuan hak yang sama, menggambarkan isi kursus keperawatan sebagai tidak bisa diterima.

Isi kurikulum dalam buku itu juga telah dikutuk oleh juru kampanye hak-hak di Polandia. Kementerian Kesehatan mengatakan akan memulai penelaahan terhadap materi pengajaran insan kesehatan.(ZeeNews/IAN)

sumber : www.kesehatan.liputan6.comAnger has been expressed over teaching materials for nurses in Poland which reportedly describe homosexuality as a ‘pathology’.

According to the Telegraph, homosexuality is described as a “sexual problem” in textbooks, covered in sections on “how to identify and provide assistance in situations of sexual assault and sexual disorders”.

An exam paper on gynaecology asked: “Homosexuals are particularly dangerous socially and seduce individuals by …”. Multiple-choice answers included “abnormal sexual drive” and “prostitution”.

Agata Chaber, president of the Campaign Against Homophobia said: “This is a particularly dangerous incident of homophobia.

“Official information in course curriculum is regarded as reliable and verified, and therefore very few people will question it.”

Although the health ministry was petitioned by equalities minister Agnieszka Kozlowska-Rajewicz to stop teaching the material immediately, it has initiated a review which may take some time to decide how to update the texts.

Zosia Jablonska, an equal-rights campaigner told the Telegraph: “For 10 years the ministry did not mind that nurses and midwives learnt content that was both discriminatory and hurtful for sexual minorities, and now it doesn’t seem to mind that the content will still be taught until it ends a bureaucratic procedure for establishing new programmes.”

In 2010, anger was expressed by an LGBT organisation which claimed a textbook used in secondary schools was portraying homosexuality as an illness.

The Diversity Workshop said: “[The book] remains silent on the problems of homophobia and discrimination and presents the theory that homosexuality is something one can reject and that one can return to ‘normality’.”

An education ministry spokesman said: “We tell our experts to pay particular attention to any racial, sexual or religious discrimination before approving a textbook, and in this case they found no such issues.

“We can’t withdraw a book simply because a group of people disagree with the theories expounded by the scholars who wrote it.”

Poland has the only currently-serving transgender MP in the world. Anna Grodzka is believed to be the first trans MP in European history.

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