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Presiden Obama mengatakan, memperjuangkan kesetaraan menjadi hal yang harus konsisten dilakukan oleh Amerika agar setiap orang dapat menikmati keadilan. Keluarga, teman dan orang-orang yang ada disekelilingnya banyak memberikan pengajaran pemahaman bahwa hak-hak LGBT menjadi hal yang penting dalam diperjuangkan.

“Kami telah melihat pergeseran budaya yang mendalam dalam dekade terakhir,” ungkap  Obama dalam sebuah video yang baru saja disiarkan. Obama juga mengungkapkan kesedihanya atas  kematian anak muda yang di indtimidasi (bully) karena pemuda tersebut seorang  gay. Simak video yang dibuat oleh Jane Lynch, di bawah ini.

sumber : www.advocate.comPresident Obama says there wasn’t a single moment in which LGBT issues became important to him but rather it’s an accumulation of a lifetime of friends and family who have helped him understand how the fight for equality is consistent with the most important America’s character, which is to expand opportunity and fairness to everybody.

“We’ve seen a profound cultural shift just in the last decade,” Obama says in a just released video. The president also reveals he being was saddened by the deaths of young people who were bullied for being gay describes the impact of a meeting with Judy Shepard, mother of hate crime victim Matthew.
