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Elton John menghabiskan satu hari di sebuah rumah sakit Los Angeles karena “infeksi pernapasan ”
ia  jatuh sakit akhir pekan lalu saat acara, “The Piano Million Dollar,” di Caesar Palace Colosseum, kondisinya kian memburuk, bahkan ia dirawat secara intensif  menurut sebuah pernyataan di website-nya.

Dalam waktu dekat ia sudah dijadwalkan melakukan empat konser di Colosseum, “Rasanya aneh untuk tidak bisa melakukan konser ini ‘Million Dollar Piano’ di Colosseum,” kata John dalam pernyataannya.  “Saya suka melakukan pertunjukan ini dan saya akan senang jika saya kembali. Yang bisa saya katakan kepada fans adalah meminta maaf  tidak bisa bersamamu,”tambahnya.

“The Piano Million Dollar” akan dilanjutkan di Las Vegas pada bulan Oktober. Para pejabat di Caesars Palace mengatakan tiket untuk pertunjukan dibatalkan dapat ditukar atau dikembalikan.

sumber : 

Elton John spent a day in a Los Angeles hospital for a “serious respiratory infection” that forced the premature end to the legendary singer’s Las Vegas show.

John became ill last weekend while performing his show, “The Million Dollar Piano,” at the Colosseum at Caesar’s Palace, according to a statement on his website.

“This week the condition worsened, even with medication and rest,” the statement said.

The singer spent Wednesday at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for “extensive tests” that resulted in a doctor’s recommendation John take a week of rest and antibiotics to “cure his respiratory infection and prevent any damage.”

He will miss the final four concerts scheduled at the Colosseum, abruptly ending the first of three years of performances scheduled at Caesars Palace. The singer and his band will leave Las Vegas for a summer tour in Europe, which kicks off June 1 in Germany.

“It feels strange not to be able to perform these ‘Million Dollar Piano’ concerts at the Colosseum,” John said in the statement. “I love performing this show and I will be thrilled when we return.”

“All I can say to the fans is sorry I can’t be with you,” he added.

“The Million Dollar Piano” will resume in Las Vegas in October. Officials at Caesars Palace said tickets to the canceled shows could be exchanged or refunded.

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