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Departemen kepolisi Los Angeles mengatakan  akhir bulan  ini akan untuk menjadi departemen pertama di Amerika yang memberikan ruang terpisah untuk Transgender ketika menjalani masa tahanan di lembaga permasyarakatan. Kebijakan ini diumumkan Kamis malam oleh , Komandan divisi penjara LAPD Kapten Dave Lindsay, pada pertemuan transgender di Hollywood.

Polisi mengatakan akan ada “perlakuan” khusus yang akan diberikan pada transgender terutama tentang perlindungan ketika didalam rumah tahanan. Diantaranya para transgender akan dapat menerima pakaian lelaki dan perempuan, juga akan mendapatan hak atas pengobatan medis termasuk hormon.

Selama ini kebijakan penjara di Los Angeles  tidak memiliki bagian terpisah untuk menahan narapidana transgender. Sampai sekarang narapidana transgender disatukan dengan narapidana lelaki dan mereka rentan terhadap kekerasan.

“Ini adalah perubahan besar,” kata Lindsay pada pertemuan tersebut.

Dia mengatakan akan menciptakan “lingkungan yang aman dan nyaman, karena begitu banyak  kekerasan dialami oleh transgender.”

Kelompok Kerja Transgender telah mengajukan dan membahas perubahan kebijakan dan peraturan dengan LAPD sejak tahun 2007.

sumber berita :

sumber foto : www.ktla.comLOS ANGELES (KTLA) — The Los Angeles Police Department says that, by the end of the month, it expects to be the first department in the country to have a separate section for transgender inmates.

The policy change was announced Thursday night by Capt. Dave Lindsay, commander of the LAPD’s jail division, at a meeting of transgender people in Hollywood.

Police say there will be a special women’s module reserved at the Metropolitan Detention Center in downtown L.A.

Transgender people will be able to receive male and female clothing, along with medical treatment, including hormones, Lindsay said.

Transgender men and women will be held there until they are arraigned — typically about three days.

After that, they’ll be transferred to the county jails, which are run by the L.A. County Sheriff’s Department.

The L.A. County jail system does not have a separate section to hold transgender inmates.

Up until now, biological men who identify as women were held with the male population, where they were vulnerable to violence.

“This is a major change,” Lindsay said at the meeting.

He said it will create “an environment that’s safe and secure, as there’s been a history of violence against transgender people.”

The Transgender Working Group has been discussing changes in policies and regulations with the LAPD since 2007.

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