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Sebanyak  3.000 orang melakukan aksi demontrasi  damai menentang LGBT di sebuah stadion Universiti Putra Malaysia kemarin. Demonstrasi ini di inisiasi oleh  Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM), dengan  dihadiri oleh 18 organisasi non-pemerintah (LSM) dan mahasiswa dari delapan perguruan tinggi.

Dalam orasi yang disampaikan oleh Pimpinan JMM  Azwanddin Hamzah mengatakan  “JMM tidak membedakan individu yang mungkin telah lahir dengan kecenderungan tersebut, tapi mereka menentang bila homoseksualitas dijadikan sebuah gaya hidup yang mempengaruhi orang lain agar dapat diterima”.

Masalah LGBT menyeruak  ketika sebuah kelompok memutuskan untuk mengadakan program yang disebut Seksualiti Merdeka. Acara, yang diselenggarakan oleh koalisi LSM, aktivis artis dan individu. Kelompok itu mengaku mereka telah mendapat dukungan dari  para pemimpin oposisi di Malaysia.

Aksi yang berlangsung selama dua jam ini juga turut mengeluarkan statement terhadap Anwar Ibrahaim yang akan bertarung dalam pemilihan yang akan datang, dengan mengatakan . “Anwar tidak cocok menjadi pemimpin negara itu, juga karena hubungannya dengan Israel,” kata mereka.

sumber : 3,000 people demonstrated peacefully at a stadium in Universiti Putra Malaysia yesterday to denounce free sex and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) practices.

The rally, organised by Jaringan Melayu Malaysia (JMM), was attended by supporters of 18 non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and students from eight institutions of higher learning.

JMM president Azwanddin Hamzah said the turnout was very encouraging.

“The rousing applause and the cheering during the speeches clearly indicate that they are against LGBT.”

The two-hour rally heard leaders of Gabungan Pelajar Melayu Semenanjung, Warisan Melayu and other NGOs lashing out at opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, former Bar Council president Datuk S. Ambiga and national laureate A. Samad Said for supporting the LGBT community.

“Anwar is not fit to be a leader of the country, also because of his ties with Israel,” they said.

In their speeches, the NGO leaders said the students demonstrating at Dataran Merdeka demanding the abolition of the National Higher Education Fund were tools of the opposition.

Azwanddin had said the JMM did not discriminate individuals who might have been born with such tendencies, but they were against groups that were out to make it an acceptable lifestyle.

The LGBT issue first came to light last year when a group decided to organise a programme called Seksualiti Merdeka.

The event, was jointly organised by a coalition of NGOs, artistes, activists and individuals.

The group claimed they had received the support of Ambiga, Tenaganita chairman Irene Fernandez as well as opposition leaders.

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