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Sebuah Organisasi  LGBT  berbasis Hak asasi manusia  di Chiang Mai pada awal tahun 2012 mulai menyiarkan program Televisi secara Online dengan nama “Rainbow TV”.  Yang bersis berbagai Topik hangat seputar berita LGBT nasional dan Internasional.

Bulan Januari 2012  program yang ditayangkan mencakup berita LGBT diantaranya : Liputan Hari Transgender yang diadakan oleh komunitas LGBT Burma, Berita tentang Transgender “male to female”. Juga berita tentang kasus kekerasan yang dialami pleh  seorang gay di Burma.

Saat ini, ada empat episode Rainbow TV sudah disiarkan. Program-program bisa ditonton di dan Anda dipersilakan untuk mengirim umpan balik dan komentar, berita tentang LGBT, artikel, cerita, lagu, rekaman dan film dokumenter, dan film ke

Tujuan dari program TV Rainbow adalah untuk menyebarkan berita Nasional dan Internasional  seputar LGBT kepada komunitas Burma lokal dan internasional, mengakui preferensi seksual dariorang-orang LGBT, dan mereka telah sah diterima di komunitas mereka.

Selamat untuk kawan-kawan LGBT Burma. Dan dalam waktu dekat Ourvoice juga akan melakukan hal yang sama. Mohon dukungan dari semua pihak agar rencana kami berjalan lancar.

sumber : Chiang Mai-based LGBT rights group that serves the Burmese LGBT community and began Rainbow TV programs in late 2011 says it will continue to broadcast television programs on a monthly basis

In 2012, the Colours Rainbow group will continue to broadcast television programs, with a variety of topics covered in each month’s program. The first program of 2012 can be watched online.

The Colours Rainbow group, a Chiang Mai [Thailand] based LGBT rights activist group, started Rainbow TV programs in late 2011, and broadcast programs bi-monthly. This has now changed to monthly broadcasts.

This month the program includes international LGBT news, a documentary about the transgender day of remembrance ceremony organized by the Burmese LGBT community, an interview with Naomi (who is transgender and LGBT rights activist from the Philippines) and interesting news about the most attractive female-to-male transgender person. Moreover, the LGBT song named “Lu Maung”, which is about the tragic story and emotions of a young homosexual man from a village in Burmese society, was also broadcasted in this month’s program.

Currently, there are four episodes of Rainbow TV already broadcast. The programs can be watched on You are welcome to send feedback and comments, news about LGBT, articles, stories, songs, footage and documentaries, and movies to

The intention of the Rainbow TV program is to spread international LGBT news among both local and international Burmese communities, recognize the sexual preferences of LGBT people, and have them legitimately accepted in their communities.

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